I’m the border

“Mi Tular” in ancient etruscan means “I’m the border”.

It’s here, in this frozen land nestled in the Arctic Ocean, where bears and humans contend an invisible border. “Tular” reminds the Ultima Thule myth, the last island beyond the known world.
For a very long time Svalbard, islands where the winter temperature goes under -30°, the sunlight is a mirage which lasts few hours per day and the polar bears outnumber the inhabitants, has always been just a temporary place. A place where to work for a limited timeframe; Svalbard were a place where to make some money for building your life in mainland.
But something has changed during the last years: there are more and more people willing to stay. Today there are around 2.500 inhabitants and 3.500 polar bears.
A multi-ethnic society: around 40 different nationalities live in the Archipelago thanks to the Svalbard Treaty that on the article 3 states the anyone can live there without any Visa requirement.